

new SystemDialog(options)

System app displays various kind of dialogs.
A dialog is a system app 'screen' that has a high z-index and is used to be
displayed on top of other apps. But it doesn't display over the status bar,
nor the eventually displayed keyboard.

These system dialogs is located:

SystemDialog except the dialog DOM Element id. And need to give the id
in subclass customID.
This DOM Element has to have a DOM attribute 'role' set to 'dialog'.

It also supports a options object with following attributes:
onShow: function called when dialog is shown.
onHide: function called when dialog is hidden, either when hide()
method is called, or when dialog is automatically hidden on
home button press

Name Type Description
options Object

for attributes onShow, onHide callback



We would maintain our own events by other components.



Get nessesary elements reference when inited


Register event handler


Overwrite me if you need to unregister event handlers.


Operations to render UI
Overwrite view to provide HTML interface.
Overwrite _fetchElements to provide elements reference.
Overwrite _registerEvents to register event handler.


Modal Dialog html view