Octopress 雖然很棒但是每次換環境都要重弄實在太麻煩了, 所以我偷偷的轉移到 logdown 一段時間了。
Welcome to visit!
Octopress 雖然很棒但是每次換環境都要重弄實在太麻煩了, 所以我偷偷的轉移到 logdown 一段時間了。
Welcome to visit!
I gave a presentation about how we implement the audio competing in FxOS in COSCUP.
Following are the plan about why and how to split current Gaia:System:Window Manager.
So which could be pulled out to reduce the heavy weight?
If you want to have you own media playing app to be able to run at background, and/or has the ability to interrupt other playing audio, please view this article for what to do.
‘LockScreen is undefined.’
message appears oftenly right after device boots up.The article is inspired by Tim’s CSS Classes State Machine Puzzle.
We had some frustrations all the times, on animating a window correctly.
Recently I try to dedicate on solving the puzzle. But at first I need to apologize for my poor knowledge and thought about css transitions using class names.
在桌面版本的網頁開發中,我們可以透過 HTML5 的 page visibility API 來知道目前的網頁是否為使用者焦點,或者目前不可為使用者所見,來達成某些目的:如停止 UI 更新,資料交換…等,範例程式如下:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 |
我們將這個 API 帶到 Firefox OS 中,並賦予了它更深一層的意義:
最近對某個遊戲(Puzzle & Dragon)很沉迷, 但是在網路上遍尋不著產生簽名檔的服務, 於是就興起了想要自己做的念頭。
大概花了一個禮拜的時間,本來想用Amazon AWS + node.js的組合來用伺服器端產生圖檔, 但是遇到了不少問題如: 1. AWS初始化實在太煩人了。 2. node.js跑起來會莫名的crash,錯誤訊息看起來像是c語言的某個函式。(我不是在寫js嗎?!)
後來還是決定用client端javascript application的形式做, 至少IE9可以支援Canvas。
原文: http://css-tricks.com/get-value-of-css-rotation-through-javascript/
今天在追一個跟CSS3 transform有關的bug, 過程中懷疑是transform沒有正確應用到element上。
最後想到用一個Mutation Observer去觀察元素的變形矩陣的某個值(在此例為scale)的變化, 因為transform沒辦法直接用element.style直接拿到scale的值, 所以要用getComputedStyle拿出變形矩陣後算出來: (skew跟translate的值原文沒有提供算法,看了一下網路文章似乎沒辦法逆推。)